
Carnie Wilson & Reality TV

Can I just say that I'm in love with Carnie Wilson!? Seriously, I just watched Revealed with Jules Asner on E! and it was seriously so great! Carnie Wilson is ME! Like for reals, the whole time I was watching the show I was like, "Oh my gosh! We could totally be friends! You're so me!" I then went to her website to write her a letter, and of course, that option isn't available anymore cause aparently too many people out there just love her. How could they not?! I'm not kidding, check your local listings to see when it's going to rerun because it's really that good. As it was in it's last few minutes I thought, "Gee, I really should've taped this one" but how do you know it's going to be good and that you'll want to tape it if it's someone you pretty much don't know other than, "Oh it's that fat chick from Wilson Phillips and the lady who got that stomach surgurey thing" ya know? I'll deffinately be keeping my eye out for it again! What a strong message and a feel good attitude - it just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She's just great!

Okay, moving right along here...I LOVE SIMON!!! Seriously, click the link for TV's Top 5 Moments, and re-watch this clip! I am addicted to American Idol, and can't wait for this ball to get rolling!!

Random jump here now, as I'm writing this journal entry there is a banner that has a picture of Rock 'N Roll Ernie and the banner reads, "Ernie had to resort to dark glasses after Bert snapped. Let go of the shame, Ernie." I want to click that damn banner so bad, but if I do, this message will be lost. So, I have to finish and then try to find it again somehow. Grr!

Alright, if you haven't been keeping up with Starting Over lemme just give you a recap of todays AMAZING show: Audrey got all pissy and the claws came out and then the shit hit the fan and all them girls done gone an' lost their damn minds! It was BRILLIANT and I loved every minute of it!

My house is making some freaky ass noises right now, and to be perfectly honest, I'm a bit more than a little creeped out. So, I'm gonna go now and go outside or to someone elses house for a while. Then, American Idol is on again tonight at 7:00pm here in Mesa, Arizona! Are you as addicted to reality tv as I am?!? Doubt it! My shows include: Celebrity Mole, The Bachelorette, Average Joe, The Apprentice, and of course American Idol!! Last night I caught just a glimpse of the new one My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, and I have to say it looks really interesting, and I might have to start watching that one too. Man, my VCR's gonna get a work out! LOL!

Okay, enough fun for one afternoon. I'm gonna go now. Peace & Love to all!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 12:13 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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