
Day Two too

On the Job - Day Two Report:

So I got up at 5:30am instead of 5am and I left at 6:20am instead of 6:00am because let's be honest, I just don't need to leave that early. I'm going to leave at 6:20 every morning because I get to work at 6:40am. Twenty minutes to park, get my badge, and walk across the street to my training room - which is seriously the size of my bathroom! There are nine of us crammed in there with 12 computers and a counter with a sink in it AND, a water purifying machine!! WOO HOO!!

So there's a crack head, a lady who "used to work for the telephone company for twenty years", the "crazy lazy with the food stamps" (thank you Krysta for that one), and two coolio chicks that I think I could be friends with!! LOVE THEM!! Then there's Dar our trainer who's a bit on the rough edge side, but you know she's all mush on the inside and she's just putting up a front, and the two ladies who work there but are learning how to post (what all us temps are learning how to do).

Yesterday was information overload...BORING BORING BORING!! We watched Dar post claims for NINE HOURS!! NINE!! Today we were bombarded with MORE information. Ya see, the trouble is she's talking to us as if we know what the hell she's talking about because she's mostly talking to the two ladies in the back who are familiar with the way things are run, just not this particular part of the job. So she's throwing out acronyms and abbreviations and going a mile a minute. Pretty soon my brain starts to have a melt down and I don't comprehend ANYTHING I'm hearing. It's like Charlie Brown's teacher. I hear the sound, but nothing registers to me. It's SSOOO hard for me to stay focused in there - my A.D.D. kicks into high gear right around one o'clock BIG TIME!! It's tough for me to pay attention when I'm not getting it at all. I'm good at saying, "mm-hmm...Oh, okay, I got it now..." and stuff like that to keep me from looking like a complete idiot. I'm just hoping that everyone's as confused as I am. I'd DIE if my phone rang and it was the Temp Service saying, "You're a great guy Jer, but they're not going to be needing you anymore down there." DIE I SAY!! HAHAHA!! We joked about that this afternoon, and we'll see what happens.

Al thinks I need to be more careful about what I say in here because it is afterall online for the world to read. I'm not supposed to be using so much detail. She makes a great point. I just don't think half the time I guess.

Anyway, gotta run. Al and I are going to practice the song I'm singing in Stake Conference this Saturday night. (Oops, I probably shouldn't've said that - back off me stalkers!!)

Written by Jere at 7:54 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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