
"Lucy, I'm home!"

So we made it home! Hooray Beer! It was so nice sleeping in my own bed last night next to my schweet wife. I really missed her. I mean, sure, we were in the same town at the same places, but at the end of the day it's nice to curl up next to the one you love and chat about the day you just had. Retell the highlights, the funny parts, things that pissed you off and so forth. When you don't have that opportunity it's weird. That's what made last night so great for me - having the love of my life, my companion and mother of my children next to me all cozy and cuddly in our huge, warm bed. If fact, it makes me wanna go back to bed right now.

Before we left for Chicago we had made tentative plans with Gina & Jamie to have a sleep over & pancake breakfast tonight. Then we left and we were gonna see what happened. I just called and got no answer, so I left a message and right when I hung up the phone rang and it was them. So we chatted a bit about our trip and then discussed this evening. Turns out Jamie's uncle just passed away so the whole sleepover/breakfast thing isn't going to work out. However, they did ask us to join them this afternoon for Something's Gotta Give followed by dinner which'll probably be at like Macaroni Grill. It'll be fun no matter where we go because we've got great friends.

Al isn't quite feeling up to it right now so we'll see what happens there. If she says, "no" to going then we can spend a quiet evening here at the house watching either Freaky Friday or Pirates of the Caribbean and eating pizza. Either way it's turning out to be a fun night with my wife! Hooray beer!

Oh, got my headshots back today. I think I look stupid in a lot of them, but there are like 5 or 6 that I really love. Now I have to take them in to my agent for him to pick his favorite and then have them printed up and then the work and the mad cash will come rollin in! Look out Hollywood the fat man cometh!

It's lookin' mighty stormy out my window here in Mesa, AZ. It's cold and cloudy and windy and just down right mean. Can you believe it was freakin 60 degrees when we left Chicago last night!?!?! 60 DEGREES!! When we landed here in Phoenix the captain said, "...current temperature is 58 degrees..." Yep! It's colder here in the desert than it is in the Windy City.

Julie and Sean went down to the city with Deana and Scott last night but I don't see how that could've been fun seeing as how it was so darn foggy and such. I talked to her today and she said that they had a good time so I guess that's good. My cousin Sean grew up in Antioch too until he was about six years old. Then his family moved out to Fresno, California. He hasn't been back in 16 years so it's been a cool trip for him. He got reintroduced to all the cousins on my mom's side of the family (his side too) and because he was around he got to come to the VP Family Christmas too. I guess he's bored out of his mind, and I can see why. He's been there for over two weeks and hasn't had a rental car this whole time so he's at the mercy of everyone around him. I can now see why he's been drinking so much and sleeping so much.

Anyway, this entry is far too long so I'm going to sign off now. It's great to be home again and I look forward to 2004 being a fantastic year for me and my lovely bride. I wish you all good things and success in every area of life and hooray beer!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 2:33 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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