
Happy Memorial Day!

Our show has closed. It's over and I'm a bit sad. But, not too sad as I do start rehearsals for Twelve Princesses tomorrow, and the Kids Workshop starts tomorrow as well.

Happy Memorial Day!!

Fire up the grill, invite the family over and let's party! Woo-hoo! Summer is officially here now! We've been invited to our friends Jenee & Ivan's house for a gathering for our friend Tregoney who's in town off her Phantom tour. She's inbetween cities right now so she decided to spend the weekend home. Hooray! I can't wait to see her this evening. Well, it's really in four hours, but whatever. Here's a picture of her when she was in Les Mis:

How fun for her! I can't wait until I'm in a big show on Broadway so you all can post picture of me. HAHA! C'mon, you know you're gonna - there's no need to deny it. HA!

So my pal Matt is in town from Utah to run the conservatory this summer because Tracy is up in Utah doing shows in Logan or something like that. In any case, he's a good friend of mine. He was supposed to come see my show on Saturday but at twenty till 8 (show started at 7:30pm), as we were holding the house because we were oversold and trying to figure stuff out yadda yadda yadda, I called him and he wasn't answering his phone. He committed to coming and so I set aside two tickets for him, and I even spoke to him earlier that afternoon and he said that he'd see me later that night. So I called Ivan's cell and Jenee answered and I asked, "Are Matt & Ivan coming to the show," and she said, "I don't think they are," and they gave up their tickets to people on the waiting list. My feelings were so hurt! I called him a third time and got his voicemail and left him a message, "If you're on your way to the show, it's 20 til and they just gave up your seats. Sorry you're missing it..." and so on. I nearly cried. Matt hasn't seen anything I've done since back in the day when I wasn't so good. All I want is for him or anyone from Southwest Shake to come and see me now because none of them really gave me a chance. I don't know why I need their approval or validation or whatever it is I'm seeking from them. It bugs the shit out of me that I long for it though. UGH! I bring this up because he'll be a the BBQ this evening and I'm just afraid it's going to be awkward because I won't know what to say, and he won't own up to it (from past experiences I mean). He'll tell I'm bugged and say, "Oh don't be mad. I told you I'd try...Something came up..." and then turn it back on me. Like I'm the one with the problem, not him. This is the pattern here so I'm a bit hesitant to see him.

Anyway, it was a really great show, and I was very proud of my work. This is the best I've ever done in a show I think. It really showcased my abilities and talents and I was very happy with the show and my performances. I wish we'd extend (which is the rumor on the table as of now). We'll see what happens I guess. I have to run because we have a family thing to get to before the one this evening. So, again, Happy Memorial Day! Peace & Love to all!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 1:17 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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