
Sick & Tired

Bitterness and hate! I feel like total shit. My stomach is doing flip flops and it's in knots. My throat is burning and I've got a headache the size of a small country, but I'm going to work anyway. The fact that you set your alarm is sickening! I love that it doesn't matter what I feel like, I still have to go. I'm okay with going, but I'm pissed at you because before we even left I made it VERY clear that we needed to leave there at 9:30. Then came 10 and I said, "We need to go now..." and then we FINALLY left at 11:30. Tell me again how this became MY PROBLEM!? How was that decision MY CHOICE!?!? I wanted to leave but YOU wanted to stay and therefore we stayed. And then you have the nerve to turn around and be pissed at me - BULLSHIT!!

I'm going to have ria all damn day and I WILL NOT go there so you can plan on seeing me home early today for sure. What a way to start off the new job huh? I feel like shit, I've got the shits, my life is shit - yeah, it's gonna be a GREAT day!! Oh, and sorry in advance to John and Jenee - I'm not going to be albe to make your party. It's not that I don't love you, but I had a rough night last night, and a horrible day today and I'm going to bed as soon as I get home from work and I'll be there until 5:20am tomorrow morning. Happy Birthday to you both anyway, and know that you are loved in spite of my yuckiness.

So, now I have to get on the road so I can get there on time, but to be perfectly honest, I'm totally scared to drive. I'm not kidding, my headache is BAD! I took some Excedrine Migrane (which scares me cause it's super scarey) and I'm tired as hell and my stomach is upset and I feel as if I'm going to blow at any given moment. NOT GOOD for getting behind the wheel of a car. Ugh. Anyway, the job is great, the people are great, everything there is great, but I worry about today, and I must be going as it is now 18 after and I must be pulling out of the driveway at 20 after.

Wish me luck!

Written by Jere at 6:10 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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