
Weird Sick

For some crazy reason I'm sitting at school, all is well, I'm grading papers and figuring out the answer to, "Mr. V. what's my grade?" and all of a sudden I'm roasting hot, pouring sweat and then just as quickly as that hits I'm freezing cold. WEIRD! Then my stomach cramps up and I feel as if I'm about to explode and I jet off to the bathroom just in case. I can't figure out what's wrong with me because I'm not sick! I refuse to be sick! I can't afford to be sick! So I'm saying, "What the hell?" and then I'm all shaking and I go to the principal and I'm all, "Something's wrong" and he tells me to cancel my classes and get the heck outta there. So, I did. I came home and slept until 4pm. Woah! Weird.

Now I'm up, I've reshowered and I'm feeling fine - hungry, but totally fine. Is this bizarre to anyone else on the planet? If you know what's up feel free to drop me a line about it. Weird.

So tonight begin begins the callback process for Beauty & the Beast. I really wanted to audition for that yesterday but I was at school too long and wasn't able to make it. Funny thing though, I got an email from the director asking me to call him. Could be a good thing! I called him and got his voicemail so I hope he checks it sooner than later and asks me to come sing/read for him. Could be exciting but it could just be nothing. We'll see I guess.

I'm hungry and gonna go eat now.

Written by Jere at 4:24 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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moon phases
