
A lot o shit

Jenn, you suck! I think it's funny that you blurt out the name of your journal and then run home and lock it! HAHAHAHA! Why do you tell people then? Seriously, that's the funniest thing ever!

So, moving right along then, I went to rehearsal for Little Shop tonight and we had our run through of the entire show for the designers. It was really freakin' cool to run the show for them. I only go to rehearsal like once or twice a week because of 12 Princesses, so any time there is great! May I just say again that I LOVE REAL THEATRE!!! Yeah, well, I just did! I feel so out of the loop there because I'm never freakin' there, but I'm still having so much fun! I can't wait for this to really kick into high gear (which for me will be this Saturday). I'm having a hard time deciding whether to go to my 12 Princesses cast party or not. See, here's the thing: I have a 12 Princesses performance on Thursday night, then immediately following that I have a Little Shop cast bonding party in Tempe. Then a 12 Princesses performance Friday followed by its cast party. That night Nate's sleeping over and Saturday at noon I have Little Shop rehearsal at P.T., and that night is my closing show for 12 Princesses and then we have to strike that set. THEN, Sunday I have Little Shop rehearsal again!! So I'm thinking I don't want to go to the cast party because it's non-stop from Thursday on! UGH! BUT, the upshot is that Monday the 19th I have NO REHEARSAL!! So ya'll know I'll be sleeping all damn day! Woo-hoo!

I burned a CD for Nate today and I call it, "Nate in Eb" (that's E flat). It's a good one too so I'm thinking I need to burn one for me prior to its delivery to him. HA! I make myself laugh.

Okay, so that's pretty much it. OH! NO IT'S NOT!! THE AMAZING RACE is back on and I'm full force into it! How much do I hate Donny & Alison?!?!? Scale of one to ten: like 400! I love the cute dad and daughter though (Jim & Marsha). And we all know how I have midget issues, but I think that Charla is helping me out. I actually like her a lot and hope that she makes it far. However, they won't win in the end because it always comes down to a three mile run or something crazy like that. So unless Mirna can carry her ass it ain't happenin. Ah well, good luck to you anyway girls!

And, I think that is all for this entry. Yeah, it feels like a good time to wrap it all up. (nods) Good party.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 1:55 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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