
dinner report & such

Well, the kids were great! All in all I'd say I even handled myself quite well actually! We had a delightful dinner, and then we played Scene It and I kicked tail! For reals! It was ofcourse beginners luck all the way, but it was REALLY fun! I can't wait to play that one again like super duper soon! So, you're all invited over to my house to play it okay? I just need players here - I don't even care if you're a crazy sick leunitic or something - I just wanna play!!

Okay, deep breath....there, much better. After our dinner party left my wife and I watched Seabiscuit. I have to say, not my favorite film. I was bored out of my mind within the first eight minutes of it, and then I decided, "Quit it! It's gonna turn around, now hang in there!" So, I did, and I'm not lying here - I felt like it dragged on, it lost momentum and it was just a mediocre show. It was really repetitive and I became bored again and a little frustrated. I guess I should've seen it when it was still in the theatres, and before all the hype, but I don't know if I would've liked it even then. I'm weird like that, but it's all good - we each have our own tastes. Mine just happens to be better than most. It's a rough life, I admit.

After the movie my wife and I had a very romantic evening. We lit candles and we were just in love. Pure love that makes you all giddy inside. The kind of love that makes you wanna shout from the rooftops! I am so in love with my wife it's crazy! I can't imagine my life without her! I work with an older gal who's been married forever to this hideous beast of a man who doesn't support her, doesn't respect her, and very plainly doesn't love her. She has six kids, mostly grown, but her youngest is 14. She says, "I only have a few more years until I can leave..." Poor thing! I feel so bad for her. It really makes me realize how great I have it to have a companion who fully supports and cares about me and well being. A woman who loves me even when it's hard to love me, when I'm a complete insensitive asshole. I don't deserve the wonderful lady I somehow managed to get, but I sure thank God I did. She is the most amazing person I've ever met. She's strong, independent, confident, sure of herself, amazingly beautiful, has the voice of an angel, she's compassionate, loyal, giving, selfless, competent, mature, honest, trustworthy, strong in the gospel, goal oriented, a teacher, my lover and best friend! I could go on like this for hours, but I'm going to stop here. Try not to be too jealous of me D-Landers, but I've got the best girl in the world! Na-na-na-boo-boo!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 1:00 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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