
Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday! We've just spent the latter half of the morning and most of the afternoon cleaning our house. Like major cleaning! Like, scrubbing the walls, dusting everything (moving the stuff on the tables, not just dusting around it all), vaccuming and so forth. I even scrubed the shower! I HATE THAT JOB!! It royally sucks ass! But, when it's all said and done it looks freakin' amazing! I'd show you a picture with a link to my photolog, but for some reason it's being retarded and won't let me do it so piss on them! I'll figure it out later when I have more time and then post another entry about it.

Moving right along, we're having Al's sister Jenny, her husband Troy, and their two boys over for dinner in about a half hour or so. I'm sure hoping the kids will be calmed down and not get in to everything and be all crazy like all little boys of that age can be (see yesterday's entry about how I feel about little boys). Please, please, please, let me be calm and patient and mellow, and may I please find some hidden xanax or something - not that I had any to begin with, I'm just saying.

Well, alrighty, I gotta go - our phone has been crazy ringing off the hook for the last three minutes! First it was my mom's house calling my cell, then my sister's cell calling my cell, then a third caller, then the house phone twice. So, maybe something's goin' on or something. Gotta run!

**author's note: knowing all those calls came in was because he has distinct rings for all of them - he wasn't ignoring the calls, he was writing in his journal**

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 4:39 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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moon phases
