
Golden Dayz of Shit School

So I've been getting emails from Andrew and he's telling me that I have two weeks of my gold membership left. Boo hoo! I don't think my wife will allow me to keep the gold membership so I'm going to lose all the coolness and pictures and neat-o layout. (tear)

In other news the music teacher here at my school is an idiot. Okay, that may be a little harsh, but she's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree if ya know what I mean. We're preparing a program for the littles on May 26th and we're supposed to be working together but she's like working with a wet rag. Everything seems to be her way or no way and it's not that she's a biotch or anything about it, she's just retarded about it and SO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!

I just wish I could cut her off and do the little shows myself and have the music taped. That way she's not all up in my face and she can do her little music program and so forth.

I'm just bugged. AND, this woman is NEVER FREAKING HERE!!!! She comes in late every day because first hour is her prep hour, and she leaves at 2pm every day because she doesn't have a 7th hour! BUGGY! BUGGY! BUGGY! She gets out of every meeting we have because she can't make it, "I have to pick up my kids." She could have her mom or her ex-husband or somebody else pick them up. And WHY don't they go here anyway???? They're 11 and 9 but she says they're too young to stay home alone unattended after school. WHATEVER! I just get tired of the excuses. And, to be perfectly honest with you, I'm uber jealous that I don't get to do that too. Eww.

Anyway, I've got about four minutes left of my prep hour before I have to head off to my 3rd hour Drama 1 class that siebucks eyebass eyebiff yieboo niboe whybutt eyebye miebean. Buh bye friends.

Countdown to June 3rd: 51 effing days!

Written by Jere at 9:47 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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