
Buddy the Houdini Dog

I GOT THE CALL TODAY!!! WOO HOO BABY!!! Six Flags called my ass and offered me a job! How coolio high harmoney is that!? I'm scheduled to be at the park on May 21st and will be contracted through September 6th with a possible extension through November 2nd for FRIGHTFEST (which is where the whole park transforms into Halloween for a month and a half). My sister Jenn runs JJ Blinkers in Antioch which is a gag gift, costume shop and she said that if I don't get asked to stay through FRIGHTFEST that I should stay and work for her for the month. I told her she'd have to pay me and make it worth my while. She's gonna see what she can do for me to hook it up. I'm so excited I could just pee down my leg.

Speaking of, I got a schweet puppy yesterday. He's a basset hound and he's seven months old and he's so damn cute it should be against the law. HOWEVER, he belonged to one of the kids I work with at Bashas' and so he was all freaked out not having his family around. He barked like crazy loud all freakin' night! He barked and barked and barked and barked and barked and barked and barked, and then the little shit got himself out of his collar/harness thing that I had him tied up to. I still can't figure out how the little Houdini dog got out of his harness. Hmm, anyway, so he was freakin' out in our back yard jumping around, scratching on the door, the house, the fence, the gate... Then he got a wild hair and would run full forced into the gate in an attempt to bust free. Yikes! It was craziness. There was no sleep to be had here last night. So my beautiful, animal hating wife made the demand that he be gone today. So, I called up Steve and said, "Dude, the dog's gotta go," and before I knew it I was driving the thing across town and returned him. So, I got my dog that I've been begging for, and we returned him today. Yep, the 12 hour dog. That's all we had him for.

*tear* Bye Buddy *tear*

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 2:52 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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