
IM with Steph

I could seriously get addicted to The Apprentice! Have you seen this show?! It's seriously SO good! If you're not watching, SHAME ON YOU! Tune in on Wednesday night and just check it out.

Okay, so I've just been IMing with my friend Stephanie who I went to see sing the National Anthem at the Suns game last night. Anyway, we chatted for a long time and we talked about some fun stuff so I thought for whatever reason I'd just paste it all here for your reading pleasure... (can you tell it's nearly 1:30am and I'm really tired??

::::Game Re-Cap::::

Steph: thank you so much for coming all the way there last night!!!!

Me: no sweat! i love you!

Steph: i love you so much too! that was a little nerve racking last night, though but totally fun!

Me: yeah, i was so nervous for you! like watching the clock timer ticking down

Steph: i know - that sucked

Me: then when the guards and flags came out i was all, "OH MY GOSH!!! I'M SO NERVOUS FOR STEPH!"

Steph: and all that music playing - i could't remember my starting pitch

Me: i couldn't find you anywhere until you walked out onto the court

Steph: so the poor guy escorting me had to hold my pitch pipe with lipstick all over it!

Me: then you ripped the shit outta the song!! I "woo"ed for you too! LOL

Steph: aw thanks - i know i heard you!

i thought to myself that that had to be someone I know! and I thought it was either you or Nick

Me: and everyone around me turned and looked when you were done cause i was all, "YEAH STEPHANIE!!!" then, it was all down hill. i'm so NOT a sports person at all! i took al's brother porter with me for his birthday, then we left right before half time, and the rest was history. he turned to me and said, "You're miserable aren't you?" I laughed

::::we talked about stuff that nobody cares about now - not that you've cared about any of this so far::::

::::Kids Funny vs. Terrors::::

Me: Oh, I was telling Jenee about you wanting to have Casey and the girls hang out and she goes, "That'll be great... Olivia needs more friends! She doesn't have any friends, it's Sydney that has the social calander!..."

Steph: how funny

Me: I was peeing! She speaks robot. like she can't make sentences yet, but she tries so hard. for example: we went over there last night and Jenee was telling her that, "Tomorrow you get to go play at Gramma Doris's house." then Livy got excited and said, "Livy play Gramma Doris house tomorrow.

Steph: aw - that's so sweet! Jere, are you having baby urges yet???

Me: Umm, sometimes. It's when they get a little older that it gets hard for me. My patience it tested and I lose control a lot.

Steph: why?

Me: My two nephews are THE DEVIL!

Steph: oh

Me: They USED to be adorable, now I can't stand them! But, it's also bad parenting

Steph: all kids go through phases like that

Me: A LOT OF BAD PARENTING and lack of discipline!

Steph: there was a time when I couldn't stand my niece - but she's cool now

Me: yeah, i know, and "it's different when they're your own" too

Steph: i understand...but she turned 8, 9, 10 and she's a sweetheart

Me: they just think they're invincible and they don't realize you're trying to help them by giving them guidelines and they fight you tooth and nail on EVERYTHING - i lose my patience with that crap!

Steph: my twin neice and nephew are there right now. it's out-of-control. i am constantly on their ass when I babysit them, and they get mad at me, but I don't care anymore.

Me: and they say stupid shit when they get mad at you like, "Oh yeah? Well I know karate." Like, "No you don't ya little shit!"

Steph: yep! lol

Me: I just wanna smack em!

Steph: mine just plain don't listen until you threaten them within an inch of their lives

Me: Then they get tired and cuddley and they suddenly transform into the cutest damn things ever and it makes me more mad that they can do that! It's like, "Stop being sweet damnit! I know you're a terror in real life! What'd you do with my nephew!?"

Steph: i know - they are totally bipolar for a few years in there

::::"BOY TOYS"::::

Steph: he's (her son) just so into "boy" things already - by nature

Me: trucks and stuff

Steph: yep - and yelling and being too rough, etc... ::::jump in conversation here:::: i'm so buying him Max Steel cause he's hot!

Me: i'm not familliar with that one

Steph: he's the modern Metro-sexual GIJoe by Mattel. he has all of these high-tech gadgets and stuff

Me: this guy? look at his weird neck! he's so ripped! Like unhumanly ripped!

Steph: that's it - that was the toy I demonstrated at the Mattel toy fair the last two times

Me: and really, how's he gonna get the bad guy wearing THAT?! seriously, if he falls down or is tripped or anything, he's gonna get hurt! but he does have some cool shit gadgets! How cool would I be rollin up to Bashas in THAT!?!

Steph: nice!

Me: And where do you put "the club" on that thing?

Steph: LOL it's a little like S&M - dontcha think?

Me: totally S&M!! If you ask me, THIS is the way to kill off the people who piss you off at work! Like, "That's it! You pissed me off! I'm goin to my car and you better run, cause I'm comin back with my super attack psycho guy thingy and I'm takin no prisioners!"

Steph: you better believe it!

Me: Dude! It's a gun on a skateboard! Where were these toys when we were kids!?!?

Steph: max is whacked!

Me: wow!

Steph: i'm tellin ya - toys are way more violent now

Me: yeah!

Steph: it's a little bit scary raising a boy

::::transition into "violent toys are bad" soapbox speech::::

Me: wow, i was just cruising around the mattel website...crazy!

Steph: yeah?

Me: just insane weirdness. like they list toys according to "infant/toddler" "girls" "boys" and "adult". girls are all about beauty and barbies, boys are all about killing and guns. that shouldn't be okay. why promote angst and rage in boys? won't that just cause them to be violent teenagers and wife beaters later in life?

Steph: i know that's very unnerving

Me: no wonder kids bring guns to schools - and it ain't the girls!

Steph: yep

Me: lame - and they say, "Gosh, we have no idea why Johnny went crazy..." Umm, HELLO!!

Steph: yep - i know

Me: Of course you have to somewhat hold responsibility to XBOX, Nintendo, and all them "cut em up, shoot em games" and violent toys for "boys" since birth! "boys will be boys"

Steph: well - i will definately have some major reatricitons on toys like that!

Me: roughness and violence should be expected from boys, and guys! it's been drilled into them since birth that men don't cry, and real men beat shit up and blow stuff up!

Steph: totally. i don't like it, esp coming from a family of all girls. i just don't get it.

Me: al's brother and his little group of friends all hang and play xbox and hunt and kill each other for hours - then they start getting adgitated with each other and then they get more mad the more times they get shot and then they start making threats toward one another, "Dude! Stop it or I'm gonna kick your ass!..."

Steph: yeah, what is that all about?

Me: I'm so glad I grew up poor and couldn't afford any of that shit.

Steph: amen

Me: I so totally missed that whole "video game gene" Halleighluia!

Steph: me too

Me: okay, off my soap box now. LOL okay, well, i'm gonna go write in my journal now. Feel free to bookmark and read often. LOL

Steph: ok - i'm headed to bed - thank you again for coming last night

Me: no sweat! it was my pleasure!

Steph: love you tons and let's call eachother about wed....i'm tired, can you tell? i can't spell anymore

Me: lol - me too. it'll be a quick entry. g'night.

Steph: nite nite.

So that was it. I figured it was an easy entry for me seeing as how it was already written for me. Some funny stuff, and some not so funny stuff. It's all good. And it's okay if you don't agree with me on the whole violent games thing - it's America baby and that's what's cool about livin' here!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 12:15 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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