
The Passion of the Christ

I like what Bob Lonsberry had to say about The Passion of the Christ which is where I spent my afternoon today.

I found the film utterly disturbing and not because I don't agree with the message, but because I can't handle the violence in it. I'm a totaly wussy boy when it comes to violence and gore, and this movie has one hour and fifteen minutes of nothing but unadulterated violence and gore. The film opens on Jesus praying in the garden, then he's arrested, and as they say, the rest is history. There's only an hour or so of set up for the big cruxifiction and then the latter half of the film is just that. Emotionally draining to say the least. I spent a good chunk of time with my hand over my eyes because I just couldn't take it.

See, here's the thing...I know that this really happened, I believe in it, and I accept it. I don't need to witness it first hand, and I just did. Here's my other issue...they are getting a lot of flack on "blaming the Jews" for Chirst's death - well, if you're strictly looking at the two hours and fifteen minutes of this film and basing your decision soley on that, then yes, they are blaming the Jews for Christ's death. I don't see why there needs to be such trauma over this, I mean, c'mon - the Jews ARE the ones who were standing there screaming for his cruxifiction. So, if people wanna make a big deal outta this "let's blame the Jews" thing ya'll need to get over it. I just don't understand that.

Anyway, I can't keep talking about this because it'll just make me angry. See, here's the thing - you gotta look at the whole picture. You can't base all the issues on these two hours. Moving right along, if you're looking to see how a cruxifiction happened, this is your movie. If you're looking for a movie about Christ and his teachings and his ministry, this is not your film.

The movie was good, and it made me stop and think. The most emotional parts for me was watching Mary witness her son's brutal death. They capture that aspect of the film so well. Jesus had a mom and they loved each other, and watching her watch him die was so moving. I also really liked the journey of Judas. Seeing his torment, and getting a small glimpse of what he went through other than, "oh, he's the guy who betrayed Chist and hung himself..." Ya know? AND, another thing that I thought was REALLY REALLY CREEPY, and yet really effective was having Satan there. That was kinda trippy. He sorta lurched about hiding in the shadows taunting Christ and so forth. There was one part of that that I just missed completely - maybe you can help me out if you've seen it...okay, so ya know when Jesus is getting flogged? Okay, so Satan is there and he's holding that creepy baby thing. WHY? What does that thing represent? I was so confused!! So, get back to me on your thoughts kay?

So, there ya have it, The Passion of the Christ reviewed by yours truly. A film worth seeing, but one I don't think I'd see again.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 5:23 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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