
Thirty Things

30 Things:

1. I am 26 (27 on August 7th!)

2. Yep, I'm a Leo

3. I weigh over 300 pounds (not for long!)

4. I'm addicted to Diet Coke

5. Staring Over is the greatest show on tv.

6. So is American Idol

7. My favorite Broadway show is Hairspray

8. I've been married for just over two years to the most amazing woman on the planet - but I just call her Allyson

9. I'm a singer / actor / mover / shaker

10. My favorite color is blue

11. I have A.D.D.

12. I am co-dependant and insecure

13. My favorite role to date has been "Leo Silver" in My Favorite Year or "Mr. Bumble" in Oliver!

14. I love Diana Krall

15. I also love Harry Connick Jr.

16. I watch far too much television

17. I want to be on Broadway some day

18. I am a sexy bitch

19. I'm on Weight Watchers right now and have lost 22 pounds so far

20. My best friend is Nate

21. I love to listen to the rain

22. I grew up outside of Chicago, Illinois

23. One of my biggest fears is ghosts

24. I've never seen Goonies

25. I was in Rookie of the Year

26. I love my Gramma a lot

27. Dan Brown is my favorite author

28. Cinderella is my favorite Disney movie

29. I'm one of those Mormons

30. I hate cleaning the shower

31. I like to watch my wife perform

32. I like to be on stage

33. I suffer from stage fright

34. Hello Dolly is my favorite movie musical

35. If I could have any role in any show (weight and voice type not being an issue) I'd want to play "Jimmy" in Thoroughly Modern Millie

36. My dream roles are: Theardier in Les Miserables, Edna in Hairspray, Max Bialystock in The Producers, and Man with a Squeegie in Rent

37. I am a Shakespeare nut

38. Loves Labors Lost is my favorite Shakespeare play

39. Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great is my all time favorite book

40. I hate it when people say, "anyways" - THERE'S NO "S" IN THE WORD ANYWAY!!!

41. I don't get football AT ALL

42. I love the snow

43. I used to play baseball and hockey as a kid and I was also on the swim team

44. Julia Roberts is my favorite actress

45. Kevin Spacey is my favorite actor

46. I think Britney Spears is hot

47. I sleep with a stuffed animal (a pound puppy that I got when I was 7 from my Gramma and his name is Buster)

48. I've peed my pants in public

49. I've smoked pot

50. I used to drink A LOT LOT

51. I once bleached my hair and it turned out pumpkin orange due to the dark brown that it is naturally

52. 52 is my favorite number

53. I like Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"

54. Christmas is my favorite holiday

55. I own a button maker

56. I drive a red 1990 Geo Prizm

57. I've met "Uncle Jesse"

58. I've never bungee jumped

59. I have no idea what my wife's favorite color is

60. Pretty Woman and Clue are my tied all time favorite movie

61. I have famous friends

62. I've never farted in public

63. I subscribe to magazines just so I can look at the pictures - I don't actually read them

64. I play percussion

65. I sing but can't read music

66. But wait, you just said you play percussion - so therefore you must read music - no, i read rhythms

67. I have an addiction to ebay

68. I'm on number 68 of "30 things"

69. <--ha ha ha!

70. I'm immature

71. I don't like most people I know

72. I'm a bad friend

73. I'm a freakshow

74. I wait at the stage doors after shows I see so I can chat with the perfomers - HA!

75. I have an obnoxious laugh

76. I bite my fingernails

77. I never graduated from high school - I dropped out twice and ended up getting my GED

78. I don't feel guilty about that at all

79. I've been in over 30 stage productions

80. I am afraid of the dark

81. I don't like scary movies

82. I don't audition well

83. I keep secrets

84. I tell lies

85. I stay up too late

86. I sleep in too long

87. I forget to do my hair often

88. I can't remember names

89. I work in a grocery store as a cashier

90. I'm afraid of thunderstorms

91. I don't have ugly friends - not one!

92. I don't like myself much

93. I'm shallow and superfical

94. I jump to conclusions

95. I'm afraid of bugs and spiders

96. And snakes too

97. I'm afraid of most people

98. I can juggle

99. I can do bitchin' yo-yo tricks too

100. I can name 100 things about myself that nobody really cares to know about me and that's a scary reality.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 2:09 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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moon phases
