
Leavin' on a jet plane

So yesterday was the big coaching session with Stephanie. It went smashingly well as I had hoped. It was really just a great day. I got over there around 11:30am and we went to lunch at Paradise Bakery. It was my first time eating there, and it was really yummy too! It wasn�t too pricy either as I had suspected it would be. Then we took Casey to the park to run off some of his two year old energy. He is SOO CUTE!! I just adore him! We were able to chat more about her experience in theme park work, we chatted about Les Mis and other people she knows in other shows and so forth and their experiences. It was really a nice afternoon. It was a bit warm out though � 80 degrees and sunny. The nice part was there was a nice breeze so it wasn�t too overwhelming. Then, we headed back to her house, put Casey down for his nap and then started chatting about Phoenix Theatre and about the people there and the audition process and so forth. It was a great chat � not gossipy at all, informative. Around 2:30pm or so we started working on my songs and monologues for my audition Saturday. I feel so great about things now. Like I said yesterday, Stephanie really makes me feel confident about my abilities and so forth and I feel a lot stronger about my pieces and so forth. It�s a great feeling working with her.

Last night I was scheduled to work 6:45 � 11:00pm but I got strangely sick around 8:45ish and shat my brains out and went home. Oh, it was TERRIBLE! I hate tummy trauma. Everyone was all, �Are you getting the flu?� NO WAY!! I did not just drop $200 to get my ass back home for an audition just to get sick now! No way! Allyson says it�s because I drink too much Diet Coke. I don�t think that�s true. I am definitely addicted to that stuff, and I do drink a lot of it, but I don�t think it�s causing me to be ill. Hmm, we�ll see. I have like two cans left and then it�ll be gone so I guess I�ll take a Diet Coke break then.

I got an email from Traybay about making a music video in front of a FORD car and winning a new one and getting to go to the American Idol finale. So, I�m thinkin� I gotta go and do that. I�ll be making a video to the song Car Wash. I�ve got big ideas for it, and it�s gonna be wicked cool, but I can�t tell you about it cause I don�t want any of you to steal my ideas and win. Ya dig? LOL! Just know it�s gonna be RAD!!

Okay, well, I�m off now. I must think about packing something for this trip tomorrow and I work in a little bit so I gotta run. So, if there�s no update until Tuesday you know why � NO COMPUTER IN ANTIOCH!! So, peace & love until then I guess.

Until next time�

Written by Jere at 12:01 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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