
The Internet is for Porn!

This is for you! Just in case you wuss out on the idea, I'm doing it! Because let's be honest here, talking about internet porn is funny! There's even a song in Avenue Q entitled, "The Internet is for Porn". You can even listen to a little clip of it by going to the website and clicking "audio/video". HAHA! So witout further ado...

Me: are you internet porning it right now?

Me: HA!

Her: ha!

Her: my friend M just asked me the same thing!


Me: that's comedy!

Her: i've got to do a blog entry about that

Her: simultaneous

Her: asking if i'm porning

Her: hahhahahahahahahahaahha

Her: maybe not

Her: i don't

Her: think i want it advertised on my site that i'm addicted to porn

Her: hahahahahahahhaa

Me: i think that's the longest, and fullest sentence you've ever written me: �my friend M just asked me the same thing!�

Me: and hahaha, yeah, write the entry - it's HYSTERICAL!!

Her: ha!

Her: i'll think about it

Her: ahahahahahahhahahahahaha

Her: the funniest thing is what you just wrote

Her: abut the sentence!

Her: hahahahahahahahahahah

Me: You can start it with, "Okay, so some people love puppies, I love internet porn, and I know I'm not the only person out there who shares this joy..."

Me: HA!

Her: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Me: "To prove this point even more, M and Jere both asked me simultaneously if I were looking at it due to lull between IM's sent and received because normally I just write four words at a time while I IM..."

Her: hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

Her: fu@# that, i'll just copy paste the IMs

Her: hahahahahahahah

Me: "I even responded with a full sentence. It was quite thrilling to be caught like that - quite a little rush. Like the time I got caught masturbating in Catholic school (�cause I'm sure you've got a story like that)..."

Her: omg

Her: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha

Me: you are - you're totally looking at porn right now aren't you!?!?!

Me: hahahahaha

Me: no responce = GUILTY!!

Her: NO!

Her: i swear

Her: working on another entry

Her: in which i describe how i licked myself at sephora

Me: hahahahaha

Her: actually i need to go start dinner

Her: and go potty

Her: hahhahahahahahaha

Me: hahaha

Written by Jere at 3:04 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

[ Registered ]

moon phases
