
The Notebook

It's official. I'm a cold, heartless, son of a bitch. Let there be no more confusion. I suck - there, I said it. So like I planned, I went and saw The Notebook and I loved it, but I don't get why all my friends were so torn up and emotional over it the other night. Seriously, they couldn't even compose themselves enough to talk about the film for a good 20 minutes or so.

Like I said, I loved the movie, but I wasn't a bawl baby like I thought I was going to be. I even brought along my handkerchief just in case. It was just the same ole-same ole love story you've seen a hundred times: a love triangle, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks in love with the rich girl, her parents won't allow it... it's very Romeo & Juliet. James Garner is amazing and I have a new love for him and for Gina Rowlands. So great! I just wasn't torn up like everyone else was. Hmm, I'm a bad person.

Again, let me say, I loved that movie - that's for you Nate. He's been telling me that we're not allowed to go to any more movies together because I always end up hating them. Not true, but whatever. This is what Nate had to say about the movie. WOW! That's deep! I hope that someday I will be able to feel that way. I have a great marriage and a wonderful wife and I'm so incredibly happy. I couldn't ask for a better life really. I have a great marriage and we are similar to Noah and Allie (by the way I love that her name is Allie, cause that's my wife's name) when they're standing out by the car and they're fighting and he says something like, "That's what we do, we fight. You tell me what a selfcentered son of a bitch I am, and I tell you what a pain in my ass you are..." I got all teary there because he was telling her, "Quit caring about what everybody else wants, what your parents want, what I want! What do YOU want!?" I said that very same thing to Al when I proposed to her.

I don't know, maybe I'm just emotionally trapped because I'm too afraid of what will happen if I just let the wall down. It's a sorry ass excuse, but I think it's the truth. Emotional vulnerability is a harsh reality and something that I seem to be unable of. No, that's not true - I cry like a little girl all the time, at the drop of a hat. Hmm, maybe I'm just reading in to this too much and it's not a big deal that I wasn't a sobby baby. Ugh, I guess that's all I have to say about that for now.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 4:36 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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