
My pissed off night!

Al's outta town tonight and I'm here in my house without her. I was supposed to be spending the night at P & L's house tonight, but I found out that Macadoo was there as well and the XBOX had been brought over and set up. Last I checked it was supposed to be just P & I watching porn and drinking beer. The video game and outsider was all news to me. SO, I was a bit angry when I got the news while still at work. I called to see if I should bring Identity over. He asked if it was rated R, I said yes, he said no. HELLO!?! What GOOD scary movie ISN'T rated R?!?! "The Ring", "Sixth Sense", or "What Lies Beneath". Okay, so he has a good point on those there, but c'mon Identity freakin' messed me up! I would so love to share that freakiness with him knowing he'd get it. Ya know? Anyway, I ended up getting Charlie's Angels 2.

When I got home Average Joe was finishing so I had to finish that one. Upset and heart broken was I. Boo hoo! Hopefully next week she'll kick off some other of those lame ass hotties who are dumber than bags of hammers! I HATE DUMB ASS HOTTIE JOCKS!!! See, here's my deal with this show - story of my freaking life! I was the "Average Joe" all growing up and I was teased and tormented all through Jr. High & High School. Something happened to me somewhere along the line and I morphed into a total "Average Hottie". I'm not the kind of hottie as the ones on the show, but I'm not horrible to look at either. LOL! Moving right along, I want all of those guys to get herpes and anal warts! I wish them all to bald and get fat, to loose their looks and their sense of style. I hope they all never marry and are shunned from all society! I hope they are outcast and humiliated and tormented just a fraction of a percent as all of us "Average Joes" have been in the past!!!

Okay, I feel much better now. So, getting back to the events of the evening...I got over to Port's house and he and McKane were playing Lord of the Rings on XBOX and I pretty much just sat there. Then after about twenty or so minutes they decided to start the movie and thier tv was acting all weird and the color was horrible and so we ended up turning it off. McKane kept getting phone calls and I had had enough for one night and decided to come home. So, I watched a little TV, then put in The Count of Monte Cristo, and now I'm writing this entry.

Now it's 3:19am and I'm off to bed. So, g'night my friends. I'll chat with you all soon enough.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 2:56 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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