
So much to tell the two of you!

So I watched Starting Over this morning - shocker - and I have to say that with each passing day my hatred for P.J. just intensifies. I seriously wish bad things for her, and I know that is so rediculous because they are all so gone and there's nothing I can do about any of them, so just pass me my pink wig and I'll be fine.

I've had the most delightful day so far. I've done nothing but listen to music all day! I'm trying to compile a good mix for Gina as requested the other evening. So, it's been challanging and rewarding all at the same time.

Okay, so what's my problem? I've hit the wall as far as my reading is concerned. I'm sort of at a loss for what to do next. I'm on chapter 21, page 91 and I'm having a bit of a struggle pressing forward. HELP! I DO NOT want this to end up being like all the other times in my life that I've jumped on the band wagon and then a few seconds later I totally quit. AKA: Weight Watchers!! LOL!! Remember back in the day when I loved and was totally obsessed with counting points and so on? LOL!! I'm laughing about it now because I realize what a complete and total spaz I am about things.

Yeah, so I'm not going to Chicago for the summer - I turned Six Flags down. Shocker! Total shocker! I really for reals thought that no matter what, I'd jump at the chance to go back there and work. I mean, I grew up going to that park and I remember very distintly seeing "The Sights & Sounds of the 60's" and saying, "I'm going to do that some day." Now I've been given the chance and I'm not taking it. Well, that's not entirely true. I've been offered a job for the summer, but it's not what I want to be doing. I was under the impression from the Six Flags folks that I'd be in one of their shows. It was made clear to me that I wouldn't be in one of their singing shows and I knew that early on even before I got thier call. I knew this because the kids they were listening to over and over and showed any sort of interest in were all 12 years old, 85 pounds and had very distinct pop voices. They were mimicking Britney, Christina, Beyonce, Justin, and those other boy band types. I on the other hand am 26, 300+ pounds and do not have a pop voice at all! So when they offered me the job it was for an actor position. As I understood it I was going to be the host of a character show. Meaning, I was going to be the only human on the stage with Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Sylvester and so on, and we were going to put on a show and so forth. WHAT IT TURNED OUT TO BE was something completely different! I was going to be the host of a character luncheon. Meaning, I was going to be the only human on the stage with Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Sylvester and so on, but I was supposed to make sure that they didn't run into any walls or anything, and that every 15 minutes they got safely backstage for their breaks. NO THANK YOU!! I'm not giving up my summer plans to come guide around a sixteen year old pimple faced kid makin' $8.00 an hour dressed up as freakin' Bugs Bunny. Not for $420 a week, and not even for $480 a week (which is what I counter offered for). Hell, I wouldn't do that for $500 a week! No thank you! Now if it were going to be a show as I had initally been led to believe, then I would've reconsidered a little. My friend Stephanie did that at Disney World (the human in the character show - but it was a real show) and loved it she said, and I've even seen her video of it, and it was fun! I'd totally do that for a summer, but not make sure Bugs Bunny doesn't run into any walls or die from a heat stroke. PLUS, after the lack of communication and unprofessionalism they showed me I decided I didn't want to work for them anyway. It was just a very weird experience for all involved I think. I mean, they blamed their email problems on a computer thingy which may very well be true, but it's a bit strange. First the guy was sick and didn't get back to me, but as soon as I wrote the office manager I got a response? Then, I didn't hear from them again for over a week and kept sending emails but never heard back and it was because of a computer glitch? Hmmm, sounds a bit fishy to me.

Okay, sorry, I just had to get that off my chest, and explain to all two of you who read this and already knew that story how it all went down. Ya know, just incase some random person stumbles across here and is all, "What the hell is this crazy dude talking about?!" So, now that I've covered that situation I can move on.

I have to work tonight and I'm a bit scared to be totally honest. I have to work with Linda whom I hate, loathe and despise. See, here's my deal with her...she is so damn nosey and rude and mean and holier than thou at work. I hear that she's a great lady OUTSIDE of work and that she'd give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. But INSIDE work nobody can stand her. Everyone just tolerates her. And seriously, how sad is that? Going to work every day KNOWING the people you work with hate you. I mean, I am so lucky!! I love my job! I love the people I work with (there are exceptions to that last statement)! I like my bosses (most of the time)! I love my customers (except for the rude ones and the assholes)! I seriously have a great time at work every time I get the opportunity to go in. However, Linda hovers over me, watches me, nit-picks me, and bosses me around. She lives by a double standard because she's worked there for 15 years as a cashier and is the cashier trainer so she feels it's her right to tell everyone else what to do, but not have to follow any set rules herself. She feels as if she is one of the managers there and she constantly leaves her register, or shuts down and leaves everyone else there to drown. I get so frustrated by that, but there's really nothing any of us can do about it. Whenever we complain it falls on deaf ears. And if they're not deaf, they act it! The managers all feel there is nothing they can do about her behavior and tell us that we just need to understand her and give her a break. Well, that's the answer I've been given anyway. She just bugs the hell out of me and all involved! Ugh! I'm stuck there tonight with her from 5:30 - 10:00pm!! She's the closer tonight. See, another thing that sucks at the Bashas right now is that they've drastically cut back my hours. Like this week I'm only scheduled 9 hours! They've taken the full timers and have stretched them out. So now they're all closing one night a week and the rest of us have to suffer. Valerie is only scheduled 7 hours this week! SEVEN! WHAT THE FUH!?!? I freakin' hate the bullshit politics that go on there, and every time I complain I get empty promises and bullshit excuses. So, I'm putting in my application at our competitor - FRYS!! One of my customer's mom is a manager for FRYS and told me that she could get me the hook up, so I'm totally playing that card tomorrow. I'm going down to meet with her tomorrow after Starting Over. LOL!! Heaven forbid anything coming between me and my show! LOL!!

Right now I'm sequestered into the office while my wife teaches voice lessons. I HATE THIS SO MUCH!! I have to listen to "Key Kah Key Kah Key - Key Ah E Ah E Ah E Ah E" and "I saw-aw-aw-aw-aw" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER and it's just not right! This is cruel and unusual punnishment for doing nothing wrong! I try to read but can't concentrate. I try to watch a DVD on the computer but I can't hear over all of their horridness, and it's just plain frustraing! I have no where to go! The way our house is set up I can be one of two places: here or in our bedroom. Our bedroom is right next to where the lessons are, so if I have to go potty I have to pass the singer, and if I'm back here, the way the hallway is it's like a tunnel and sucks the sound back here. THERE IS NO ESCAPE!! It's seriously so not fair! I hate it so much! I understand it's what my wife does, and it's great money for us, but it's seirously like death and torture for me! I'm trapped and don't want to be here, but there's no escaping. I'm ready to pull my face off! Good thing I have to leave in a few minutes for work. Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not excited about THAT either! Ugh! Today sucks!

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 4:05 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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