
Workshop, Bai's recital, fun friends, the cast list (or lack thereof), my last day, and my new site - all in one finely condensed entry for your reading pleasure

The Kids Workshop is so quickly coming upon us! Holy cow! I am in charge of two small numbers and three big numbers. Here's how the breakdown goes:

**1 song with 13 kids**
**1 song with 2 - 4 kids**
**the "boys" number (with Tyler)**
**the "tweens" number (with Tyler)**
**the opening number (with everyone)**

So right now I've just divided the opening song, "The Nicest Kids in Town" and my small ensemble number (13 kids) called, "My Mother the Football Coach". I've got some blocking ideas, but I'm having burn out right now and can't think. Probably because it's nearly 3:30am.

Baileesha had her recital this evening and she was so great! I knew she would be, and I was so proud of her! The whole time I was thinking, "Gosh, Bai and I should record a CD together and she can do all these songs, I can do my songs, and we can do a shitload of duets too and call it 'Bai & Jeer'." I was so happy for her! Jenee, Ivan and thier girls were there too as well as Jake and Colleen and their girls - I just love them. Let me just say that I adore the Brinks! I want to be a Brink myself sometimes I think. HAHA! Maybe they'll adopt me! But, then I couldn't be adopted by the Haws', and we all know how much I just LOVE the Haws'!! I mean, c'mon, how cool would it be if my dad was Brother Haws?!? HAHAHA! Allyson just laughs at my stupidity and so do I for that matter. HAHAHA!!

Rob came by later and Cort and Mel were there. I love Mel - we've really made some progress, and it's so fun being around her. My insecurities are so going away when I'm with her. She did get a bit tense near the end and I felt uncomfortable, but hey - it's all good. She called her mom and dad up in Washington (state) and gave them a true confession that years ago, she set a shirt on fire off the side of her balcony at the condo and it fell into the bushes down below and started a fire - that was no biggie and turned out fine. HAHAHA! How funny is that!?! She's really such a funny girl and I just love when she's around because she makes me laugh and she has the fastest wit of anyone I know! Seriously, there's such a difference between wit and humor, and she's got both! I am in awe of her. HAHA!

Rob wouldn't budge on the cast list info either! He apparently knows who's who in the show, but won't tell anyone. The cast list will be posted on the door tomorrow at noon, and I'm going to be at the school for Jenny's show after I get off of work at 7:30pm. Which, by the way, is my last day at the ole Bashas! WOO-HOO!

So, if you're in the Mesa, AZ area and you wanna swing by and say "tootle-ooh" just come by between 2:30 and 7:30pm to the Bashas at Gilbert & McKellips. HA! Seriously, you MUST say you're there because of my journal and I'll laugh so hard, and you'll be my new best friend (sorry Ty) (sorry Tray for the "sorry Ty" comment).


Okay, well, it's almost 3:30 in the morning and 10:00 comes awefully soon when I get to bed this late, but it's all worth it to see my Starting Over! HA!

OOH! I have to announce my *new* website! I got a new website and all the links go to it, but just for fun you can click below to be linked:


Until next time...

Written by Jere at 3:12 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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