
"The Remedy" - Jason Mraz

So I went in and covered Darla's shift today from 8:00am - 4:45pm and it was great. The morning and midafternoon seemed to drag on, but once 2:30 hit we got a bit of a rush and it didn't calm down until 4:45 and I shut my gate and got the hell outta there. I noticed this morning before I left that we were out of milk, water, and ice. So, while at work I bought a gallon of milk, two gallons of water, a bag of ice, and I rented Under the Tuscan Sun and I got the hell outta there. I'm sure I'll hear about the movie seeing as how I still have the two in the other room that were due back to Blockbuster Thursday. I'll be sure to take those back tomorrow morning for sure. I'm also going out to Phoenix to FINALLY pick up my headshots so I'll have some running around to do so it's all good.

As far as my last entry is concerned, I am doing a bit better having gotten that off my chest. I now have adopted the attitude of the song The Remedy by Jason Mraz, "I won't worry my life away." What a great attitude to have. I'm going to go open that savings account at my credit union tomorrow regardless of what the ole wifey has to say about it because I'm gettin a truck for my birthday in August, and credit unions have better rates on loans and so forth, so I'm going to just go do that. I'm going to set up direct deposit on my checks and from that pay 1/2 of the monthly bills, and start taking charge of some things around here so I'm not so in the dark anymore becuase this is just recockulous! Then I'm heading over to the fat man store and opening up a store card there and getting my brown shoes and that's that!

Like Kathy Bates' character in Fried Green Tomatoes says, "Someone helped put a mirror up in front of my face and I didn't like what I saw one bit, and you know what I did? I changed." It's my turn to change, and it's all for the best anyway.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 5:29 p.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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