
Update Stuff & Stuff

So I have to say that Matchstick Men was not as good as I had hoped. Pretty much why I rented it for Allyson. I knew that she wanted to see it, and I'm the one who ended up watching it. She went to bed cause she's a teacher and has long days, and I did nothing all day today, and I'll be doing the same tomorrow. LOL! I don't want to talk too much about the movie because I don't want to give anything away to anyone who might still see it sometime in the future, but when I can figure out what's happening HOURS before it happens - you know you've got a really bad, predictable plot ahead of ya. So the more advanced brain person is going to be bored to tears with it knowing how it's all goin' down. Trust me, this is an easy guess.

Moving right along...I finally heard back from the Six Flags people! They sent me an offer and I counter offered for more money. They're not only offering me a position for the summer, but they're offering me responsibility and leadership - I should therefore get more money. If theey don't want to pay me more then they can hire some pimple-faced little 17 year old to do it. No skin off my nose, there's plenty of opportunity for me here. Plus, I'm sending my headshot off to New York tomorrow to two different shows that are casting. I know the choreographer of one so I'm hoping this might turn out in my favor, but if not it's no biggie. The other one is for a *new show* called, "We Will Rock You". Sounds fun. I mean, c'mon, all new shows start like this, "...seeking singers for a new show entitled "Urinetown"..." You never know until you try. It could be the next smash success! LOL! How cool would that be? Me - in the original Broadway cast of "We Will Rock You". Ah dear.

So my mom emailed me today. She's cute. She was wondering what happened in Chicago with the audition, if I've heard from them, what are my plans, where am I going to live, when do I have to be out there, what about Allyson.... You know, that nosey, worrisome mom thing. It was kinda cute knowing she was interested and cared about it. Moving out of my mom's house several years ago was the greatest thing I ever did. It forced me to be independant and to look at things for myself and not immediately run to my mom for everything. Don't get me wrong I am NO MAMA'S BOY - I'm the exact opposite. My mom and I hated each other pretty much my whole life until a few years ago. Probably right short after I moved out. Our personalities clashed horribly and there's a history of a lot of yucky stuff that I wish not to discuss at this current juncture. I still have my issues with my family, but they're getting better slowly - day by day. It's all good.

Well, I think I'm gonna turn in for the night. I was up and out of bed by 9:30am this morning! Renee called me from Sue Anne's office wondering if I'm still planning on competing in that singers competition thingy this weekend. That's that competition I sang in last year and won first place in and got like $300 bucks for. This thing. Anyway, I can't this year because I'm not a student. I was enrolled in The Scuba Kats but I dropped because of this possible summer job, and to be quite honest, I'm kinda burned out on it. It's too much drama for me right now. Not being in school this semester has been the greatest thing ever for me - STRESS FREE!! So nice!! Anyway, so yeah, I'm going to bed cause I got up early today and I'm tired because of it. Tomorrows Starting Over is gonna be a good one! Did ya'll see todays show? I cried! The whole emotional/verbal abuse thing - wow, too much for me to handle! That's my whole life! BUT, that's a whole other show Oprah.

Until next time...

Written by Jere at 1:33 a.m.

before | | after

"Hey, I'm not shot!" - 11.09.05
New Spot - 07.08.05
June Recap - 07.01.05
Heeeeeere's Peter! - 05.17.05
Book Club Anyone?? - 05.16.05

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